Session #68

How To Manage Social Media In Your Business Without The Overwhelm

Hi Hypno Stars!

Do you worry about how to manage your social media?

Karen Ingledew is a Hypnotherapist from the United Kingdom who is doing well in her business even though she and her whole family contracted COVID-19!

Karen was feeling stuck about creating social media posts that didn’t take up a whole lot of time when she could be working on her business instead.

In this session, we talk about options such as outsourcing, how to schedule regular posts in a time-efficient way, and how to capture testimonials from clients who you love the results they have achieved!

Expert Hypnotherapy Business Mentoring

with the founder of the HypnoFit® Success System, Helen Mitas

How to manage social media is just one of the many topics we discuss each month in my Helen Mitas Exclusive Mentoring Program.

My Mentoring Program is for therapists like you who would like some more personalised support and guidance from me, as you navigate the challenges of growing your 6 figure practice.

I run 3 sessions per month at different time zones, so wherever you are, there’s a session that’s convenient (or you can come to all three!).

How I Made $165,000 In My First Year Of Hypnotherapy, Without Advertising

Introductory Webinar

How I achieve deep and lasting transformations without
overwhelming the client or exhausting myself

How I introduce my prospects to a program, rather than
individual sessions

How I booked my practice solid on word of mouth alone,
without spending a fortune on marketing

The approach I came up with to generate more revenue
from less clients, so I could stop chasing so many

How I built my a practice to make a bigger impact

Get 9 No Cost Marketing
Strategies That Work

These are the 9 strategies I used to grow my HypnoFit®
practice well beyond the 6 figure mark and that I still use
today to attract new clients.