Payment received.

Thank you!  We’re looking forward to hosting you at the HypnoFit® Live Mastery Virtual Retreat.


Check your inbox for:


  1. Your invoice, outlining today’s payment and any future installments.
  2. Your invitation to join the HypnoFit® Academy, where you can access the HypnoFit® Therapy System and HypnoFit® Business System.  Simply confirm your email address and set your password to gain access.
  3. Your welcome email to the HypnoFit® Live Mastery Virtual Retreat along with instructions on how to prepare.

Please don’t hesitate to reach out to [email protected] if you don’t receive any of these emails, or if you have any questions.


To your success!


Helen & Marcus

How I Made $165,000 In My First Year Of Hypnotherapy, Without Advertising

Introductory Webinar

How I achieve deep and lasting transformations without
overwhelming the client or exhausting myself

How I introduce my prospects to a program, rather than
individual sessions

How I booked my practice solid on word of mouth alone,
without spending a fortune on marketing

The approach I came up with to generate more revenue
from less clients, so I could stop chasing so many

How I built my a practice to make a bigger impact

Get 9 No Cost Marketing
Strategies That Work

These are the 9 strategies I used to grow my HypnoFit®
practice well beyond the 6 figure mark and that I still use
today to attract new clients.